Kaitlyn's 2 Months!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My baby is now 2 months old as of October 5th!

And she is grooooooowing! I took her to the doctor yesterday to start her shots and checkup. Here are her current stats as they stand:

  • Length: 21.75 inches long (she grew over an inch since August)
  • Weight: 10 lbs 4 oz
  • Head Circumference: 15 inches (she's got a smart noggin!)

She was a very good girl at the doctors office too. There was one nurse she really, really had fun with. She was smiling and cooing. And when our doctor came in to check up on her, I got a nice lap full of pee. It was....GREAT. (note the sarcasm) He, he, he. Of course she wasn't too thrilled about the shot part, but who is. At least I have the comfort of knowing that she won't be getting a zillion shots at once since I'm doing an alternative spaced out schedule. Anyway, I still don't like knowing I'm putting this stuff in my kid.

Over the weekend we had a lot of fun. I took Kaitlyn to the B.I.R.T.H(Bringing Information and Resources to Houston) fair that is held every October which has talks, vendors, domonstrations about pregnancy, birth, parenting, etc. My friend Amy was a speaker and she talked about the benefits of using essential oils during pregnancy and beyond. It was really great! There were also lot's of vendors for things such as Birth Centers, babywearing, cloth diapering, photography, etc. I learned a lot there. Here is a link to the B.I.R.T.H. website if you want to take a look at the organization. It's really a great place for information on parenting and pregnancy in general, you don't have to live in Houston to see the get great information. I went to a few other speakers as well. I was in the "Breastfeeding secrets" talk and "Nutrition" talk. I also got to try different babywearing slings and loved the Mei Tai. I had tried it before but with a doll...it's very different when you have a live baby. Ha, ha! I love my ring sling, but the Mei Tai is great too! Here is a picture of one: (I have no idea who the lady is...I just put that there to show you what it looks like). It's inspired by Chinese carriers worn by women over centuries. It's great! Here are some pictures from the fair:

First we have Amy Laura teaching about essential oils during pregnancy, birth and beyond; then we have her daughter Ava watching on adoringly, followed by Kelly modeling some pregnancy clothes; Asher showing of all his colors; and a little girl modeling a very cute cloth diaper.

In this foto above we see the booth held by Amy and her family for Gritman Essential Oils. Her mom is standing with the pink shirt and Amy of course is nursing sweet Ava. You can see other vendors in the background. It trully was a cool event!

Sunday was really nice too because I returned to my walking group for the first time since the birth and it felt so good! We went walking in the historic area of League City which has really neat older houses mixed with newer ones and beautiful oak trees which many survived the Hurricane. After the walk we were lucky to be able to take a peek at the Oak Tree Festival held in the town square. Little miss Kaitlyn enjoyed the walk in her own little way....asleep in the stroller! After the walk though we hung out at home and here is a cute little video of her in the bath:

She really really likes baths. Luckily she didn't get fussy after the bath like she usually does when I take her out of water. The kid is a mermaid, like I was and will be once the pool is clean again. I just love this picture of her in the bath...don't you think it's sexy yet tasteful? You should see her face when I put her in the water. It's says: "Thank you Mommy for putting me in this delighful warm bubbly water that is so soothing and invigorating!". She is also grateful that I do not put her in the dishwasher after I'm done rinsing her! Hee, hee! Anyway, the kid loves baths...hopefully this trend will continue!

Today I actually got to go see Jackie Griggs (my midwife) for my followup! It was so nice seeing her at the B.I.R.T.H. fair but then to also see her at the Birth Center today. We did the un-fun pap smear and other checkups and drew some blood to see how my iron is doing. Hopefully everything is in tip top shape. We also weighed Kaitlyn there although she had her clothes on she was a little heavier there. Still doing really great Jackie said! I know this won't be the last I see of Jackie and Camelia since I will be attending the Mother group and hopefully catch the LLL meeting that is also held there! Here is a picture of Kaitlyn with Jackie and Camelia. They did such a great job! If I get pregnant again before leaving Texas I will be going back there again! Not only did they deliver my baby but they saved my life too!

Well, that is all for now! Let's see what other adventures we get into by next week! It's going to be a busy week! So far it has proven to be so! I have some neat groups set up this week that I will be attending and then over the weekend I will be visiting Tatiana for her birthday and also attending an Aromatherapy Certification class. By next week I will know soooo much about Aromatherapy! And that is just for Level 1, November I take Level 2! Wish me luck! I'm super excited, but that will have to be another blog! I promised this would get out on Tuesday and by Joe...I have done this before midnight!

Everyone take care and a special shout out this week to Stephanie Shoemake and her family:
Welcome to the world Sadie and Summer Shoemake
Born Monday, October 6th

Check out their blog, the link is on this page!!!!