No baby....Hurricane instead...

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hello everyone!

So....yeah, no baby yet...however we are expected to have a lovely storm instead! I think though that perhaps this means that a baby will come during the hurricane (Tropical Storm Edouard isn't a hurricane yet, however it's expected to become one by Tuesday, which is enough for me). I seem to be "lucky" this way. Ha, ha, ha! I thought for sure she would be here since I had a few signs of labor on Saturday but apparently that was just to get me excited and all that has gone away. :) I'm doing well though. Mom and I are going to hunt for provisions this morning once she wakes up. We figured lot's of people don't know the storm is on it's way since it just kind of formed yesterday, and that was a Sunday. The only reason we found out was because Skip's boat is leaving tomorrow so they gave him a call. Thank goodness he does NOT have to go! I would be beyond pissed if he did, I mean wouldn't you?

I find it all to be so very ironic. Skip's late grandpa's name was Edward...and this hurricane-to-be's name is Edouard. I think this is a sign. I think perhaps his grandpa is bringing Kaitlyn to us! I think that would be sweet although I need to call my midwife to see what happens in situations like this. The latest projected path has the hurricane going directly over the town where the Birth Center is. Another sign? Who knows? Oh wait, there is another sign....this past Friday, I had to go to the Coast Guard base to get training and whatnot on what to do in case of this situation. It's quite eerie how that just happened to coincide with the storm. Hmmm...Take it as you will...I think these are all signs that Kaitlyn is coming. :) Or it could be a fluke and she can be here next week. But at least I now have a nice story to tell.

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that we are all fine here in Texas. We don't' plan to go anywhere during this storm since we doubt it will turn into a Category 3 which is when it's mandatory to evacuate for my town. It seems to be moving quite fast so who knows, maybe it won't be so bad. The pool as usual needs water anyway. Not to mention saving on watering the grass! I try to look at the bright side of things. Perhaps I should put a wind turbine on my roof now and store up some energy so I can power my house for a year! That would be using earth wisely.

Hope you are all safe in your neck of the woods! For those who live with me in Houston, go get ready! (Vincent, this will be your first hurricane as a married man! Awwww!)

Robyn, here is a special shout out to you if I don't get to talk to you on Tuesday: HAPPY FRIGGIN 30TH BIRTHDAYYYY! WOOO HOOOO! PARTY HEARTY GIRL!!!! Crap! I'm next! LOL!

Love you all!

Kat, Skip, Kaitlyn, Mya, Jack and Mom (Rebecca) riding it out in Houston