Baby Checkup with Mom

Friday, May 30, 2008

So, where was I?

When Mom got here I had a special treat for her. I got to take her to one of my prenatal appointments. She was soooo excited. :) She got to meet Jackie, my midwife, and see where Kaitlyn was going to be born. She said it was like a little Bed and Breakfast, which made me laugh, but yeah, I guess so. While I was there Jackie took my blood to check my hemoglobin and glucose and whatnot. At first glance, it looked like my glucose was borderline high so I had to wait a few days to see if I had to take the 3 hour test. Turns out that I have to take the dang test. (Which I will be going to in a little while actually....and I'm so hungry!). She also said I was anemic so I have to take some lovely iron supplements. Good news is that it hasn't affected my bowels. Yaaay! Hee hee. I've actually been really lucky! I usually suffer from plumbing clogs (to put it nicely) and so far it hasn't been a problem (I'm knocking on wood). Anyway, then mom got to hear the heartbeat and got all teary eyed. We also got to gab about my birth with Mom and how fast it was for her (knocking on wood again). It was really nice.

Of course she took pictures and I wanted to share some of them.That's me looking all constipated. I really am not, I swear. I don't know why I was making that weird face, but my face has a mind of it's own so I usually just go with the flow. Not the most flattering pose, I know. Thanks Mom. LOL.That's the last size of Jelly Reese, no more Jelly Babies after that one. I know some of you are freaked out by the little Jelly here is the collection of Jellies below for your enjoyment. Hee hee hee.They are very cold children so they like to huddle together. :) I don't blame them...being made of ballistics gel probably isn't the most warming sensation. I wonder if this is how Mythbuster babies are made....Hmmmmm...

So anyway, then I got to take Mom to work where I gave her an office and put her to some slave baby shower duty. LOL! She helped make the candle favors we gave out and did a GRRRRREAT job! And she learned a new craft so she was very happy. I even got to show her off and everyone was very friendly and nice to her as they always are.

And thus concludes another chapter of Kat's Dayz. Look for more updates, I haven't even gotten to the shower part, so that will probably be coming next if I don't get distracted again.

Have a great weekend everyone!


speedweezer said...

Greetings Kat, You have that pregnant looking lady going on! Looks awesome too. Melanie just showed me this blog thing. LOL just to remind me how out of touch I truly am. Such a brat she is. You look great, house looks great, dogs always look great no matter whose they are! So I will check in from time to time to stay informed...somewhat anyway. Keep up the good work...hahahahaah

speedweezer said...

loving seeing Skip in the role of home owner! Brings back so many memories of making his Dad do the same thing!!